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Tijen Lawton is a professional dance artist, performer, movement researcher, choreographer, facilitator and mentor. Her work shifts between performing, teaching, rehearsal directing,
mentoring and researching in artistic and academic contexts. Her teaching methodology is based on combining somatic & technical work, improvisation and on supporting constant creativity through moving. She is committed to mentor young dance artists with different career interests and backgrounds, established artists as choreographic support, advisor and movement director.
Dialogue, movement, inclusivity, freedom of expression and the ongoing interest in the evolving, moving human body. These are the thriving forces of Tijen’s work as an artist and facilitator.


Searching for a Conscious Risk and Trust in the Body - A Hidden Physical Morphology.
A physically & emotionally demanding movement methodology in constant research designed to encourage, inspire and build awareness and connectivity in the constant search for movement. How to shift focus in the body through changes in movement qualities. When we direct the mind or attention to different areas of the body and initiate movement from these areas, we change the quality of our movement.
Through a dynamic movement language we will embody a sensory awareness of our own physical possibilities.Through a search of the availability to all the layers of dynamic information in the body. Through the awakening and following of the natural yet deeply hidden physical morphology we will facilitate a space to stimulate an availability of letting go of ones holding patterns and preconceptions of the moving body. Through a continual dialogue between awareness and action, becoming aware of the relationships that exist throughout our body/mind and acting from that awareness.The merging of action and awareness can allow for a conscious risk. A constant fall and abandon in the body combined with an understanding and availability to trust.
By defining and refining independent movement materials for different parts in our body and segregating those parts from each other, by investigating a certain sequential order of the body in relation to the origin of movement initiation, we can explore multi-dimensional movement and we can create more possible ways to re-organise and re-unify our movement and to visit new and unfamiliar ways to move.
When movement asks for full engagement the connection with knowledge and resonance will be inherent in the moving, thinking body and freedom appears naturally and knowledge swells. Discovering the relationship between the smallest level of activity within the body and the largest movement of the body, aligning the inner cellular movement with the external expression of dynamic movement through space.
We will engage in the dialogue of resistance, resolution, resonance.

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