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Marco Insalata practices traditional Chinese martial arts since 1978 and started studying taijiquan in 1983 in Turin. In 1990, after studying also in Rome, he went to Zheng Zhou (China) where he undertook a long individual training on the Chen style with Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei. Marco has been teaching taijiquan courses and seminars since 1990 and has initiated more than six hundred students into practice. He obtained the certification of 5th level instructor of taijiquan and qigong from Grandmaster Liming Yue, an internal disciple of Grandmaster Chen Zhenglei, according to the standard of Wushu Duan Wei system of the Chinese Wushu Association and later became his disciple. Marco is the technical manager of the taijiquan sector at the Italian Association of Sport and Culture for the Turin Committee. He teaches group and individual classes as well as supplementary training for professional athletes and dancers. Marco Insalata is a 13th generation representative of Chen family taijiquan.
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